I hope you enjoy the look back, and feel free to go to the Best of 2006 set and comment if you think I should have selected something else!
This is a blog of my photography. The PotD will be updated daily. I shoot around the Chicago area, in the city and out in the state parks in the northern part of the state, and all around the suburbs. You can click to enlarge any photograph, and requests for prints and wallpapers are welcome. My photos are stored over on Flickr too.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Top 10 of 2006
I hope you enjoy the look back, and feel free to go to the Best of 2006 set and comment if you think I should have selected something else!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Butterfly on Milkweed
One of the best parts of living in the Midwest is seeing all the prairie land come to life in the spring and summer. Between the various and multiple flowers blooming, one after the other, and the butterflies and birds coming to feed, no two days are the same. More prairie shots can be found in a set at Flickr.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Tomatillo growing in a garden, summer 2006.
After all the urban and landscape shots, I thought it was time to head back to nature. More summer flowers have been uploaded to Flickr in the Summer Set.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Connecticut River Bridge sights
I love the optimism of the sign contrasted with the grittiness of the industrial area behind it.
But heckling their hometown bothers my parents (and rightly so, because it is a nice little town, really!) so here is a second PotD of the bridge that spans the Connecticut River between their town and Middletown.
There are more photos in the Connecticut River Bridge set on Flickr.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Sunset in Blue
I took yesterday off from the PotD, but today was a struggle too to find the right picture; most of what I have been shooting the past few days have been personal family photos, not suitable for public viewing.
This was taken from my parents' back porch, overlooking the Connecticut River Valley. I like that it includes both nighttime and the very end of the daylight.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
O'Hare at Sunset
Unlike Santa, we had to use a more pedestrian method of travel for our Christmas trip.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Holiday El Train
An aerial view of the CTA's Holiday Train leaving the station.
The whole series of photos, including many of the train at rest and unblurry, are up at Flickr.
Friday, December 22, 2006
The El in Motion
More photos are available at Flickr in the El Train set.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Glenview Avenue at Christmas
Down the main street in my town, they go all out with the decorations at Christmastime. It's such a cheery sight when you turn the corner onto the street at night and suddenly it's ablaze with light.
I've also added a few more shots to Flickr of the Thanksgiving parade in Detroit and some other Christmas lights around the Chicago area. I'm planning on going to a couple of special holiday displays tonight so hopefully I will have some good shots from there to post tomorrow. Cross your fingers!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
African Daisies
Before curling:
After Curling:
There are more African Daisies and other spring flowers newly uploaded on the Flickr account.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Man on Street
I had a version of this in black&white, but I didn't like losing the punch of color from the trolley and taxi in the background and from the tulips and greenery around the man.
I also added about a dozen new shots to Flickr.Monday, December 18, 2006
Ivy and Shade
Notice how the ivy on the smaller building is a rough match to the shade on the larger building. Makes you understand how the ivy was able to grow as thickly as it has, doesn't it?
You may also notice I am posting this with a picture stored at Flickr. I have opened an account there, and you can click over to see all the photos I've posted online. I've arranged them into various sets and series so you don't have to plow through random pictures in no order. I will be adding more there as time goes on, and all my pictures posted here will also be posted there from now on. Enjoy browsing through them!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Yellow Trees in the Sun
In the autumn and winter months, the position of the sun in the sky means that light has to fight to make its way between the high and close skyscrapers of downtown. This leaves the streets darker than the time of day would suggest, but it also allows for moments when the light hits something unexpected and illuminates it in a startling way. I love how the trees almost look like lighted matches because of this.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Focus on baseball
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Summer Field
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
A Little Whimsy
Monday, December 11, 2006
4 views of the Chicago Bean
Posing at sunset.
A rare lonely moment in the early morning.
Two sets of tourists having fun with their reflections.
From underneath.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Beardtongue, early June 2006. Chicago Botanic Garden. I love the secrecy inherent in this flower; it grows very low to the ground, so to passersby all that can be seen is the white "dust" on top. It wasn't until I leaned down to look at it at eye-level that I could see the sweet little blooms along the rim. (Click to see the details more clearly.)
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Silvery Bog
Taken at Volo Bog, November 1st, 8:15am. This is a full-color version, not converted after the fact to black-and-white. It was a month before we had our first snowfall, but there was already ice on the water. I had gone there to shoot early morning scenes while the light was good, but the sun stayed behind the clouds the whole time, burning a white space like it is here but unable to force its way through fully.
Friday, December 08, 2006
2 Flower Close-ups
Two PotDs today -- a couple of my favorite flower shots of the year. The first is a fiery zinnia called a "Show and Tell", and the second is inside a lisianthus. They were taken in late August at the Chicago Botanic Garden. I love the contrast between the two; the coolness versus the heat, the circle patterns versus the flowing tendrils, the pale green versus the zesty orange.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Stonecrop, in spring and in bloom
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Welcoming post
Welcome to my blog! I've been dithering for a while about how I wanted to start this up, which picture to use in my inaugural post, what I would say, etc. Finally I just decided to leap in and start posting, lest it never begin.
What you can expect here is a new photo every day, aka the PotD. I generally take wildlife and nature photos, but during the winter season when all the glorious flowers are gone, I also shoot urban landscapes and buildings.
I live in a northern suburb of Chicago, and I'm a member of the Chicago Botanic Garden. Expect to see lots of shots from there -- like this one. It's from Friday December 1st, the day we had our first snowstorm of the season. The angle is through a window hole in the English Walled Garden.
I also travel around to many other state parks in the area and elsewhere, plus I'm an early riser so I like to get sunrise pictures when I can. This month I intend to post photos I've taken all throughout the year, sort of a Best Of... retrospective so you can see what I've done. And maybe I'll even get around to explaining how a Midwestern photographer ended up with a website and blog called Kudzu Planet! Heh.
Thanks for stopping by. Come back every morning to see the new PotD!