Taken May 2006 at the Chicago Botanic Garden. See what you'll have to look forward to once it finally starts to get warm again? Lots and lots and lots of flowers, I promise!
This is a blog of my photography. The PotD will be updated daily. I shoot around the Chicago area, in the city and out in the state parks in the northern part of the state, and all around the suburbs. You can click to enlarge any photograph, and requests for prints and wallpapers are welcome. My photos are stored over on Flickr too.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Pink Swirl
Taken May 2006 at the Chicago Botanic Garden. See what you'll have to look forward to once it finally starts to get warm again? Lots and lots and lots of flowers, I promise!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
A Walk Down Memory Lane
You don't see a lot of phone booths anymore, here in the age of the cell phone. What made this one special to me, though, is the name of the company. My very first client in Chicago was Illinois Bell, and I spent my first two years here going to their headquarters building in the Loop every day. But that was seventeen years and four name changes ago: Illinois Bell became Ameritech right as I was leaving the company, and then it became SBC, which is AT&T now. I don't even think the building is still office space anymore.
Wow. 17 years. That phone booth is seventeen years old. I've been here in the Midwest seventeen years. It feels like it was just yesterday sometimes.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Icy Beach at Sunset
It's still snowing here, and the shore is still frozen. But it's beautiful, in almost an eerie way, at sunset. I added a few more to the Lakefront set at Flickr.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Start 'em young!
My favorite part of this shot is that she's using a toy Viewfinder, not an actual camera. Still, I'll bet her shots came out better than mine that day! :)
I don't have a lot of experience shooting candids of strangers, but it is a skill I'd like to develop. I've started collecting a few shots in the People set at Flickr, and I think I might work on it more in March, while we're all still waiting for the flowers to bloom.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Sunset over Bahai Temple
Took a quick trip after work to see how the ice was melting over at Wilmette Harbor, but it was the setting sun and its amazing light that captured my interest the most. Best seen in largest size, and a few more shots are available in the Lakefront set.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Coming soon!
The weather is warming up, finally, and soon these will be visible outside as well as in greenhouses. I can't wait!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Maybe Stronger Language Will Help
This power box and its battle-of-wills signage cracks me up. Do you think they heed the warning now?
A few more detailed shots have been added to the Garfield Park Conservatory set. Oh, and my Lighthouse Beacon shot was selected for use on the Chicagoist newsblog!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Idyl Statue
More from my trip to the Garfield Park Conservatory is up at Flickr, including this closeup of the Idyl statue sculpted by Loredo Taft in 1913. There's just something about the concerned expression on the man's face on the left that really moves me.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Palm Leaf Detail
My apologies for skipping a couple of days of posts; a friend of mine said I should post a shot of the lid of the Peter Pan peanut butter jar that got me sick so you could see where I'd been. Yep, I ate the recalled peanut butter and I got a mild case of salmonella food poisoning. I'm all better now, but it didn't put me in the mood to take any pictures. Sorry!
But I am better now, and yesterday I went to the Garfield Park Conservatory to enjoy some cheery flowers and a bit of a rainforest. Today's shots are all of the strange and beautiful palms that I saw; definitely not a part of our native landscape in Chicago! You can see a few more in the Garfield Park Conservatory set.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
St. Valentine's Flowers
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Winter Tree
I can only imagine how majestic this oak (I think) looks in the summer and fall!
We've got lots of snow coming down today, and one of my POTDs from last week was selected for the front page of the Chicago Public Radio site today. I'm very pleased!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Everybody's Got a Passion
This man's passion is bird-watching; this was taken at the Illinois Ornithological Society's "Gull Frolic" held at Winthrop Harbor Yacht Club on February 12, 2007. He and a dozen other hearty souls braved the cold weather to observe a large group of seagulls in and around the chilly water.
My passion is taking photographs of moments like this, more of which I added to the Gull Frolic set.
What's yours?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Ice Fishing Safety
People who live in the far northern suburbs know how to keep busy during the winter months, moreso than most of us closer to the city who just bundle up, stay inside and complain about the cold. On my journey yesterday up around Illinois Beach State Park, I saw several groups of ice fisherman, some runners (yikes!), and even a group of bird-watchers checking out the gulls in Winthrop Harbor. (Those shots will be posted tomorrow.)
The one thing I almost never see are skiers, but then I remember there aren't any mountains around here! Whoops.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
Old-Fashioned Lighthouse
I added a few typical winter beach shots to the Lakefront set at Flickr (some signs, lifeguard chairs, and a few more astonishing icy water photos) but none of them felt like they should be the Photo of the Day as much as this one did from yesterday's upload. It reminds me very much of all my childhood summers spent boating with my family around Long Island Sound.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Lighthouse Beacon
Taken at the Evanston Arts Center beach on February 7, 2007. Best viewed in large size.
More views of the lighthouse are in the Lakefront set at Flickr.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Watching the Ice Floes
After a week of sub-zero temperatures, it should come as no surprise Lake Michigan looks like the North Atlantic Ocean in "Titanic". But it was still a shock to see all the ice floes, everywhere, as far as the eye could see. There was no way I could do justice to the enormity of it, but this was my best attempt.
A few more shots can be seen in the Lakefront set. And more to come tomorrow!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
I met Lightning McQueen!
This one is for my nephews. Enjoy, you guys -- and any other "Cars" fan who sees this! :)
I've added this one and a few last photos of some unusual cars to the World of Wheels set at Flickr.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Stained Glass Rotunda
Located across the street from Millenium Park downtown, the Chicago Cultural Center is one of the most-overlooked tourist attractions in the city. That's a shame, because not only is it free admission and a host for many dance and art exhibitions, it is also home to two ornately-designed marble staircases and an enormous stained-glass rotunda, as depicted here. A few more of the lovely details of the building are available in the Architecture Details set at Flickr.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Super Bowl Sunday!

I couldn't decide which Art Institute lions photo to go with today, so I'm posting two. (The last of Da Bears photos are all in the set at Flickr.) The one above is the one I think is the best overall photograph, but I adore the haughty and annoyed feel of the one below, as if the lion cannot believe he is being forced to wear something so undignified on his head.

It's TEN BELOW zero today here in Chicago, and it's not expected to warm up until Tuesday. This is the coldest it's been in 10 years, a deep freeze I remember well. Thank goodness the Super Bowl isn't being played up here!
I couldn't decide which Art Institute lions photo to go with today, so I'm posting two. (The last of Da Bears photos are all in the set at Flickr.) The one above is the one I think is the best overall photograph, but I adore the haughty and annoyed feel of the one below, as if the lion cannot believe he is being forced to wear something so undignified on his head.
It's TEN BELOW zero today here in Chicago, and it's not expected to warm up until Tuesday. This is the coldest it's been in 10 years, a deep freeze I remember well. Thank goodness the Super Bowl isn't being played up here!
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Go Bears III!
A little closer:
One more day 'til the Super Bowl! Downtown Chicago is all decked out in Bears paraphenalia, even our famous landmarks! Check out a few more in Da Bears set at Flickr, and check back here tomorrow for the last rah-rah before Da Game.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Hibiscus Stamens and Pistil
Since it's a balmy 7 degrees this morning, I decided some tropical flowers were in order, and the greenhouses at the Chicago Botanic Garden always deliver those.
Taken at the Chicago Botanic Garden, January 26, 2007. A few more shots are at the beginning of the Chicago Botanic Garden set at Flickr.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Sunset over Downtown Harbor
Taken January 28, 2007. This is the harbor south of Adler Planetarium, with the east building of McCormick Place in the background.
Best viewed in largest size.
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