Friday, February 02, 2007

Hibiscus Stamens and Pistil

Hibiscus Stamens and Pistil

Since it's a balmy 7 degrees this morning, I decided some tropical flowers were in order, and the greenhouses at the Chicago Botanic Garden always deliver those.

Taken at the Chicago Botanic Garden, January 26, 2007. A few more shots are at the beginning of the
Chicago Botanic Garden set at Flickr.


  1. Oh, such lovely detail. I have such a soft spot for hibiscus.

    Did you know if you pull off the stamens (not recommended in a greenhouse, of course {g}), there's a little tiny drop of sweet liquid inside? It's like a straw with sugar water inside. Such a treat when you're a kid.

  2. How cool! I did not know that! Hmmm, now I want to try to get a shot of the liquid about to come out of the top...maybe on one outside later this year. :)
